The most beautiful and intelligent girl in the world. Sometimes insecure and shy, but really social and talkative when you get to know her. She cares a lot for her friends and her family, and is really passionate about life. She cares about you, even when you don't care about yourself, and in a relationship, will love you unconditionally. She is funny and has a great sense of humor. She'll laugh at all your bad puns and memes (even the mixtape jokes), and is absolutely brilliant for knowing that pineapple DOES belong on pizza. She knows when you're upset, sad, or feeling depressed, and will do everything she can to cheer you up. She has amazing eyes, a spectacular smile, and a beautiful laugh. She is the best girl a guy could ever ask for!
Peanut: That girl is amazing! I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She's beyond perfect!

Harambe: That's a Kavya for you.
by Harambe1030 June 7, 2017
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She is nice girl with pure heart . She has beautiful eyes and very long and silky hair. People remain stunned when she opens up her hair. She has lips like rose petals. She is very loving and kind person who prioritises friends and family above all. The person she is closest to is her mother. She dreams big and works hard to achieve them. She is a foodie!! And can eat a pizza anytime of the day. She is very sensitive too, even small bits of your talks can hurt her but she will pretend like nothing happened carrying on the fake smile. She has seen very rough times in life which changed her a lot but she came back stronger everytime. She is facing challenges everyday and sometimes get demotivated and depressed so i want to let you know that i will be there for you whenever you need me . Even if I can't help you but i will always stay by your side to support you!! Good luck Queen
by Amish2305 January 20, 2022
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someone who is admired as a God for her dedication and passion for her extracurriculars. doesn't party much, and somewhat childish, but loved by all.
Joe: Who put together this fantastic project?

Sharon: I don't know, but it's so thorough! I love it! It must have been a KAVYA.
by fanclubpresident May 25, 2011
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Kavya is a really beautiful person by heart. She may not be with you everyday but just a call away! A loyal and gorgeous girl with a beautiful smile. If you meet a kavya never let her go
I am lucky to have Kavya as my friend
by _$_ November 22, 2021
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Kavya was written by that author
by November 23, 2021
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Crush for many boys. Very funny girl. She loves memes.
by cricketeja November 25, 2021
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