What to say if someone says “if you don’t do this your gay and you can’t say no homo”.
Faggot kid: If you don’t lick the floor you’re gay and you can’t say no homo!
You: no jomo
Faggot kid: damn it I forgot about that!
by WinknSkeever June 20, 2018
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The term used when referring to a Mexican man that likes other Mexican men
Jose: Hey Juan, you're a jomo.
by ObiJuanKenobi August 5, 2018
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A member os the Jewish Religion, who is also Homosexual
"I'm Jomo and proud!"
by Stu Mac June 22, 2007
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Can be used as a noun or adjective. A person who is "In the dark", or clueless about life or sex. Originated from John Morrison himself, a clueless fool who knows nothing about sex , but was later shortened to JoMo.
1. "That JoMo is so clueless!" (noun form)
2. "Stop Acting so 'in the dark' and JoMo!"
by IDrinkCheese January 14, 2008
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Jomo is a person that hates HOMO🏳️ 🌈
If there is JOMO there is NO HOMO💯💯
by I’m not black March 10, 2020
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no jomo simply means no homo just in a Jill Hudson way. if you are one of Jill's no1 fans this word will come in handy and you can use it in any situation!
freind one: i love you no jomo xoxo
freind two: awhh thank you love you too no jomo 😘
by jillsno1fan April 3, 2020
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The word jomo means a little female creature who resembles a small animal much like a tortoise. It is also inspired by China and usually said in the same sentence as the word Soy Sauce.

A Jomos habits usually include having a strange love of Hello Kitty and eating good food. She usually stays close to her peers especially those who enjoy the presence of arms. A jomo is your friend.
Aw, what a cute little Jomo.
by Random March 16, 2005
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