john williams

The best soundtrack composer/conductor of all time. He has created music for the Star Wars saga, Jurrasic Park trilogy, Harry Potter series, Indiana Jones movies, Fiddler on the Roof, and shitloads more.
John Williams is the best fucking composer of all time.
by Rebel Racer November 13, 2004
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john williams

The most popular contemporary composer of the current times. You wrote the Theme for Jaws, which is a rip off of Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 in E minor. He wrote many other works for movies that are quite good, but nothing that stands out by itself, except Fiddler on the Roof and Schindler's List, which are known primarily by violinists.
by Charlie March 24, 2005
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John William

He is a golden machine that attracts even the most untouchable poon. He is known as Captain because he leads all women to his penis.
John William leads all of the great fuckable women of the world to his penis.
by Majorpayne May 7, 2014
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john william

annoying and whiny usually a guy. Whiny 24/7, 7. perverted as nothing else. He is normally a jerk to people he doesn't like. Though he can be pretty cute. Looks really hot when he actually smiles.
by LAMFO May 24, 2010
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John Williams

Somwhat talented, somewhat monotonous and dull composer. Famous for making music for movies that uses alot of horns and all sounds the same.
Man I can't get this tune out of my head...I think it's from a movie that John Williams composed for, but all his songs sound the same... is it Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park 2? Jurassic Park 3? Jaws, Minority Report? Star Wars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6? Schindlers List? Saving Private Ryan? E.T? Catch Me If You Can? who knows!?!?!
by Eric Blair March 27, 2005
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Only he,, mentioned!, I.. (Jumped) Of a many.., Dimensions and Depths!, Space and time, continuely addition in a Jaguar XF supercharged engine of realities and meanings. #IAMTHATIAM #ISWEARTOGOD #FINALUCHIDAGREATROCKRULER
Coming back with Ommie john Michael Williams Jr. Last deccending of the Mighty Father God.
by August 3, 2022
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