J = just but shortened
That's j really annoying.
by Lizgizzles March 15, 2017
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An emoticon that depicts a person smirking with an eyebrow raised, like the Dreamworks face every character uses. It can mean; smugness, scoffing at another's comment, or a self-satisfied patronizing face. It can also be used when you don't know what the hell the other person is talking about. Also used for sarcasm.
Person 1:"Dude that song sucks! It's annoying as hell!"

Person 2:"What? This song is awesome."

Person 1:"Try listening to (some obscure band you've never heard of)".

Person 2: Oooooook /:J.
by JSHT March 14, 2011
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When hiring someone through online apps such as social media platforms!
by Stram Kurs April 25, 2021
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The "Douchegrin". Used properly when stating something douche-like. May cause explosion of the jugular vein leading to death.
Phil: Your such a douche bro.
Tony: :j
by OioiAyeAye January 18, 2011
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Similar to a smile :) But a very cheeky one :j
Also known as a goofy smile, a grin. Similar to trollface, but not nearly as intense.

Appropriate for when you say or do something sly.
Also good for when cracking a dumb joke.
A: What's brown and sticky?
B: Uhhg...poop?
A: A stick
B: ...
A: :j
by MrOhyeahson July 21, 2011
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i see you have a fresh pair of J's on .....yeah they the new six rings
by 4-X October 24, 2010
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