The infested rectum of a dead camel, where legions of undying techs are forced to provide support to the brainless masses. There only reprive being the mute button and the occasional 'actual' retard calling up providing entertainment
Helpdesk = Hell = Infested rectum of a dead camel
by Rob February 16, 2004
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a place where the nhs keeps me.
like a monkey doing tricks with remote support for the brainless masses.
me (helpdesk operator): 'ok remote support is now starting'
brainless corporate stooge: oooooh it moves on its own
me: *smashing blunt intrument on face sounds*
by gazzerama April 11, 2006
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We fix the things all the stupid fools with computers break
I don't understand how to operate my computer yet want it to do things that are impossible with the software I'm using. I know! I'll call the Helpdesk and make them do it for me!
by Katt October 24, 2003
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A place where tortured people speak to incompetent fools, swearing at them after pressing the "Mute" button.
Type "SMTP" like "Sam Michael Tom Peter"

by Durr July 31, 2003
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A place where teams of people gloss over the glaring inadequacies (mis-spelt) of the company they work for and get paid for it.
I wish to sell my bottom! - what better place than on the helpdesk. Fuck my corporate ass.
by dave mason December 17, 2003
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Were you log a call and assign it to a group not knowing whether it should of gone there in the first place (due to lack of knowledge/total guess). You log the call and cast it into the 2nd line group waiting for a bite (for them to kick up a fuss)...
Hmm just put that call into Cra040 support...wonder if thats the right place..oh well cast away let the helpdesk fishing begin.
by Mazuk June 24, 2009
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a member of a social gathering or work colleague who is mentally unstable and has the tendancy to explode without warning.
A cider drinking unhinged work colleague who lives with every living member of his family and resembles a cast member from deliverance. Also mumbles to himself and sits redfaced awaiting his chance to jump into action as a fully fledged psycho
i phoned the helpdesk the other day and some helpdesk hillbilly kept me on the line talking s**t, playing his banjo and whispering to his dead relatives ashes he keeps on his desk in little jars.

by the madtechie December 14, 2007
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