Someone who:
1: constantly makes penis or fart jokes
2: praises their name on by saying it means "huge penis" or "awesome person"
3:makes fart noises with their mouth and/or arm
4: calls everything and everyone they don't like gay
(pretends to masturbate) HAHAHAHA

Urban dictionary definition-joe: an incredibly awesome person with a large penis and gets all the ladies.

(fart sound) LOLOLOL

Look at that gay car. Its so gay!

Bill is so gay because he thinks PS3 is better than XBOX!

Jeff can't go 2 minutes without making a penis joke. He's so immature.
by alby1 June 19, 2010
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A word utilized to describe someone who exibits the behavioral patterns of a child. Such people tend to be impulsive; an example of which, is a tendency to use unwanted physical contact on another person, or making statements in complete ignorace and crudeness. Immature people also tend to make narrow associations of certain actions with certain effects, such as the association of biking with falling off.
by Anonymous October 21, 2003
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One who abuses drugs to feel grown up.
One who abuses alcohol to feel grown up.
One who calls people immature.
The majority of the teenage population.(immature)
by a-nonny-moosee October 15, 2008
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someone who looks for all the dirty words in a dictionary first.
esp. young, immature, curious people (or old perverts)
by Zoeslut October 7, 2008
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"Don't be so immature"
by grayjoycon February 10, 2018
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1.) 99% of high school chicks who laugh hysterically at things that are not remotely funny 2.) 90% of college chicks who soak themselves up with drama and send 4 different text messages to their boyfriends, all of which say the same thing
Amy just laughed hysterically cuz she accidentally ran over her crushes mailbox, that is so immature.
by krh90 September 27, 2009
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I agree with this definition:

98% of the people on Urban Dictionary
"i looked up the definition of wank! ha ha ha!"

ha ha very (not) funny
by peedoff December 14, 2004
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