A secret code phrase used by international students, predominantly from China, to describe getting ridiculously high. The definition came about because smoking weed is a taboo activity in the Chinese student immigrant community so they came up with a food-based code phrase. The activity might include getting high and then actually going out to get hot pot to cure the munchies.
by zuper-man March 27, 2018
Can be considered an East-Asian variety of stew. Usually consisting of a simmering metal pot of stock at the center of the dining table, and several meats, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, wontons, egg dumplings, and seafoods sitting around it. Food is both cooked and served at the table. Meat is thinly sliced and takes about 15 to 30 seconds to cook. The cooked food is usually eaten some kind of dipping sauce.
Person 1: So, what'd you have for dinner last night?
Person 2: All kinds of stuff. It was a hot pot dinner.
Person 1: What the hell is that?
Person 2: Google it.
Person 2: All kinds of stuff. It was a hot pot dinner.
Person 1: What the hell is that?
Person 2: Google it.
by Corey_Faure February 27, 2010
The act of inserting warm water into one's anus, for pure pleasure. The water must be heated to less than boiling, for obvious reasons, and is sometimes enhanced with mint for the pleasure tingles it will induce. This type of anal play can be enjoyed solo, or with a partner. Men and women alike engage in this kink.
by GushingForth November 17, 2016
by Hastlehooof November 9, 2016
When you sit on a toilet after it has been recently occupied and the seat is still warm. A slightly comfortable feeling at first but becomes disturbing once you think about how recent someone occupied the seat and what horrific events had just occurred.
I got a Hot Pot this morning. Someone must have just used it. Felt good at first but then I thought about... wooh...
by Kap21 May 12, 2018
dipping your fingers in a pot of hot wax, while a Thai ladyboy poos on your chest; also, a Noodles & Co. dish
by ktchaos April 16, 2014