The feeling of shivers down your spine, or the hair on the back of your neck rising. Usually used in reference to something scary (common usage), but can also be used in reference to something gross or stomach-churning (rare usage).
Walking through the cemetary at night gives me the heebie-jeebies.
by Msquared May 26, 2003
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the willies, chills, often caused by fear or being grossed out or creeped out
That new scary movie gave me the heeby jeebies!
by JocelynC June 5, 2005
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A general feeling of unease or vague anxiety, usually caused by mildly to moderately awkward social situations and sometimes involving inappropriate or unwanted displays of affection among persons whom are young or unfamiliar.
"Did you see that guy making kissy faces at me over there?"

"Yeah, he's creepy... he gives me the heeby-jeebies!"


"Can you believe those two? They're only in sixth grade!"

"Word. They're a little young for that... it kinda gives me the heeby-jeebies."
by jcalaw63 February 24, 2010
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1. Noun: The physical and psychic reaction to something revolting or disgusting. May be expressed in a shiver, shudder, or the archtypal skin crawling.

2. Noun: The fear response to something perceived as paranormal. Being spooked or creeped out.
When I first heard about Total Information Awareness, I got the heebie jeebies.
by kiddo October 8, 2003
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A sensation one feels when they enter a scarey situation with unknown consequences.
The kids all got the heebie jeebies as they entered the old haunted mansion on a Halloween dare.
by Lonni Jobe October 13, 2003
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