
similar to “period”; used when you are in agreement with a statement to emphasize how much you support what is being said.
by mickeymilkovichwikifeet September 28, 2020
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similar to “period”; used when you are in agreement with a statement to emphasize how much you agree.
by mickeymilkovichwikifeet September 28, 2020
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hark! i made an a!!
by i hate white people July 18, 2003
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the sound a cat makes when throwning up a hairball, or the body movements made while the cat is yarking up a hairball.
The cat is harking under the bed again. You clean it up
by PhlebotomyGirl March 3, 2006
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Dweebish freak with a dependency (addiction) on Pepto Bismo.
Look at the janitor freak...what a hark!
by Darnell8 September 14, 2011
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To get angry, mad or upset at someone.

"When Brad found out his girl cheated, he was fucken harking!"
"I'm going to hark that shopkeeper about short-changing me."
by Diego June 30, 2003
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1. To consume excess food, often food that belongs to others.

2. The sound effect made when one is eating a crunchy food like potato chips or extra crispy fried chicken.
"Damn, did you hark all of those donuts?!"

"I sure did!"

"We should call you Big Hark!"
by Ghost Reporting September 1, 2009
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