by MicJaiy May 20, 2005
Whilst receiving deep-throat fellatio from a woman, one may stuff one's ballsack into the woman's mouth at the same time, the sheer volume of which causes her lips and cheeks to stretch wide open as though she's making a big happy smile.
by al-stud December 26, 2009
Recieving a handjob under the table in a fast food restaurant, while using ketchup as a lubricant. Mustard is also an acceptable variance.
by Johnathon Smithly June 27, 2005
This refers to receiving oral sex from a female. When a male fits his penis and testicles in a females mouth at the same time.
by slimslow September 8, 2006
by bojzzle June 24, 2005
A barely legal good-looking mongoloid you consider dating out of desperation or for temporary pleasure.
syn. Kids meal
syn. Kids meal
"That's Jeff's first girlfriend in three years. Get this. She's a senior in high school."
"Yeah, she looks like a total happy meal."
"Yeah, she looks like a total happy meal."
by VRB October 28, 2005
when some n00b come at you with a plasma pistol and a battle rifle or a plasma pistol and a carbine and two shots you. that combo is used only by people who havent matured enough to realize that it's for n00bs! just like the happy meal from McDicks.
by Yojo June 30, 2005