A lighthearted name used to gently point out a child’s little deficit.
How’s my little bad habit rabbit?
by Dr Bunnygirl July 31, 2019
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I will drop you like a bad habit! This means to be totally done with someone are something.
I dropped her like a bad habit, when she started seeing her old boyfriend!
by I, Wreckerrr January 12, 2021
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I can't believe Andreace flashed Nathan! After that display, he'll probably be breaking the habit all night long.
by ScoobySnacks January 22, 2005
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The only thing a stripper ever has to offer when you date her. (The 3 holes constitute her mouth, pussy and ass.....and the habit is usually a meth habit). Other than that she will never have shit in her life and is going absolutely nowhere.
This pole dancer at the strip club wanted to get with me, so I asked her what she was bringing to the table and she said the only thing she had to offer was 3 holes and a habit.
by Sugar.Hill August 23, 2008
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to die , to no longer need oxygen to survive.
Liberace quit the oxygen habit

die death oxygen habit breathing
by Robbi di Escosi June 2, 2009
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A much-overused term that promises that a certain product or procedure will never result in the participant's feeling the overwhelming need to become a nun. This assurance is actually a bunch of BS, of course, since everyone is different --- so there is actually no way whatsoever of knowing for sure what effect something will have on a particular individual.
Beware of miracle-cure ads with money-back guarantees and assurances that the product/service is "non-habit-forming"... read the fine print... in the section where it specifies what types of mailing-addresses they'll accept, see if it says, "We do not ship to P.O. boxes or convents", indicating that they will refuse to mail you a refund if you have moved in with the Sisters of Mercy. :P
by QuacksO September 28, 2017
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Phrase meaning that stopping learned behavior is almost impossible (i. e. only stopped after life). Famous through usage in the ending cinematic of 1994 PC-Classic System Shock and as title of a song from the 2004 romantic comedy-drama Alfie.
Hacking into yet another corporate network? Old habits die hard.
by DeprimierterCottbuser July 21, 2018
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