by Gwak Master January 23, 2018
by Nicki November 10, 2003
by chazam1337 August 28, 2008
the base/entry model out of all the gwak gwaks, the pro model being the two handed twister max setting vacuum swallower 9000. more often than not, ur first gwak gwak will be the 3000 model and although years from now u will look back and realize that it was not the best, u will be grateful for it because it was ur first and most memorable. now for those of u who have luck on ur side, u just might end up will the mid tier model or even the pro. either way, there's no better feeling than literally getting the life sucked out of u via the pp and being left in a state of immobility due to this other worldly experience that will eventually sink into ur fogy mind. in which case u will stand back up with an overwhelming feeling of victory that will soon turn u into a ravaging beast that craves the seggies. u will then grab that bitch by the throat stand her up bend her over and fuck her in the ass. but hey that just what i think happens, ive actually never received a gwak gwak of any kind... yet
joe mama: hey where have u been
ben dover: i just recived a glock glock 3000 from some girl
joe mama: u mean a gwak gwak 3000
ben dover: no its glock glock
joe mama: no asshole its gwak gwak
ben dover: oh...
joe mama: lets tie our dicks in a knot
ben dover: ok
ben dover: i just recived a glock glock 3000 from some girl
joe mama: u mean a gwak gwak 3000
ben dover: no its glock glock
joe mama: no asshole its gwak gwak
ben dover: oh...
joe mama: lets tie our dicks in a knot
ben dover: ok
by giant horse cock 42069 February 9, 2021
La première règle du Gwak est qu'il est interdit de donner un sens au Gwak.
La seconde règle du Gwak est qu'il est interdit de donner une définition du Gwak.
Si tu es Gwak, Gwaké ou Gwakeur et que tes couleurs sont le vert et le rose , tu es des notres.
La seconde règle du Gwak est qu'il est interdit de donner une définition du Gwak.
Si tu es Gwak, Gwaké ou Gwakeur et que tes couleurs sont le vert et le rose , tu es des notres.
by Karasawette July 12, 2018
The term gwwak gwak portrays an act of the devil where mans would insert his massive dong into ones mouth (maybe dangling down the throat). praise the lord jesus christ. three up the mandems
person 1: yo my slime i got bare gwwak gwak yesterday
person 2: jeeeezz
person 1: jeeezzzz
person 2:....
person 2: wanna gwwak gwak?
person 2: jeeeezz
person 1: jeeezzzz
person 2:....
person 2: wanna gwwak gwak?
by AJHG September 10, 2021