Person who believes anything;
Brittany Jones, Laquiesha Jackson, any blonde. gullible
by SirArthur May 16, 2011
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Next time I will never be this gullible credulous, easily persuaded, believer, fool, silly ever again no, and I'll know when someone's copying off me. / A person having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.
by JaiMunozNi April 29, 2015
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Having the qualities of a large seafaring bird, often observed on beaches and having white plumage with gray back and wings.
Have you heard the obnoxious squawking sounds that come out of her mouth? They're absolutely gullible.

Yeah, I know. She also pecks out people's eyeballs with her beak.
by Markkimarkkonnen November 5, 2007
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Word used to describe one who will fall for anything.
"Man, Zac is totally buying the story how I'm pregnant and having wild sex with everyone! He is SO gullible!"
by Zac's best friend July 14, 2009
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Meredeth is very gullible about getting a divorce
Bob was gullible about Meredeth.
by kboo27 January 22, 2015
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2.a word that's not in the English dictionary
"grandpa, is gullible really in the dictionary?"
by hammers March 16, 2013
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1. Slyder
2. A Person from Kentucky
3. One that hasn't got a clue
Todd is extermly gullible
by James Cluck November 6, 2006
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