anal sex
u go up to a chick and u ask them if they're greek.
if the chick sez no, then u say to her, "want some in you??"
meaning anal sex...
Guy: R u GREEK???
Girl: No!
Guy: Want some in you???
by blthrskt December 29, 2005
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/noun/(1) a citizen of Greece; (2) a person whose ancestors are from Greece

/adjective/ referring to things or ideas that originated in Grecce
by Paul Thundergod May 11, 2004
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A person who has a high taste for OUZO and other hard liquor that you only need one shot to get drunk. They also like to break plates, eat a lot (at least 17 meals a day), and talk a lot and extremely loud. If one is Greek, their names end in "opoulos" or "idis". Also all Greeks are born with a natural instinct to hate, hunt and kill Turks.
There are two types of people in the world; people who are Greek, and people who wish they were Greek.
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a kick ass person who has at least 26-89 cousins, killer parties on every major holiday with the exception of Roshushanna and Hanukkah, loves to drink undiluted ouzo, and is referred to/responds to "Greek" while being passed in the hallways of school.
Dude, you're so greek.

'Sup, Greek!

I wish I was Greek.
by zt! January 19, 2005
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A person who is very kind and cool at heart. Very fun to party with and likes to drink.
The best party you can go to is one held by a Greek.
by GrkGoddess89 June 3, 2003
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Beautiful language, very hard working people. The country is very peaceful and is a very ancient country which attracts many tourists. They make very good food, very nice people, beautiful country and language.
I'm part Greek from my father.
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Greeks are awesome people who are really nice and throw great parties. They eat lots of food, drink OUZO, and have a much higher IQ than a lot of people. They invented like everything from math to science to art (and as some motherfuckers like to say "gay sex". omg, haha, that is soo funny...NOT!!!) When u tell someone ur greek they totally admire u b/c greek is considered one of the most intelligent & sophisticated heritages!!!!! Greeks are most likely to be succesful in their life and be wealthier and live in places like NYC or westchester. greeks are gorgeous and amazingly hot. And for all u people out there that say greeks invented sex, guess what? that means we are totally more skilled at it and actually know how to do it unlike all u fools that have no fucking idea what the hell ur doing!
by greeksarecool April 23, 2006
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