A 'wonderful' device, surpassing the directional capabilities of the compass, finally enabling many women to drive freely. This device follows a series of similar advancements, such as power steering, power brakes, and the mini-van. This has begun to overthrow the logical reasoning that when a male and female are in the same vehicle, any male of driving age should be driving the vehicle unless intoxicated or otherwise unable to drive the vehicle.
Husband: Hey honey, why don't you go downtown to that Chinese place and pick us up something to eat.

Wife: But I don't know how to get there, We have been there at least 30 times, but I'm a women, so I just can't remember.

Husband: Don't worry, I got you this brand new GPS, it talks to you and tells you how to get to places you should already know how to get to.

Wife: Now I can finally drive outside the neighborhood without getting lost! YAY! :)
by TMaddox January 26, 2010
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GP stands for "General Principal"
In GP, Principal should be spelled: Principle
We retired school principals object to this abuse...

Usually preceeded by the word "On"
The word is spelled: preceded

I invite jay blkman, (Sep 12, 2003) to correct his entry. Thanks.
On GP, principals are known to have lofty principles.
by Dorvaldude July 16, 2005
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GP stands for “General Practitioner”

A GP is a doctor who does not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but they treat all types of illnesses. GP is an abbreviation for 'general practitioner'.
1) If you’re having suicidal thoughts it is important that you make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible.

2) The GP may wish to provide his own aftercare for some patients.
by xxhummingbyrdxx April 29, 2020
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Gold Pussy Syndrome. A condition that can develop in woman as a result of prolonged exposure to situations where the ratio of men to women is unusualy low, such as some schools, professions, or the military. Common symptoms include unreasonable high standards in women as well as a corresponding drop in male standard levels.
That girl must have major GPS. She just turned down five guys in the last half hour, and she's a goblin!
by Wordguy February 23, 2005
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Boy: hey baby come chill at my place
Girl: gps
by baconmonster January 14, 2013
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Global Positioning System

Complex network of satellites that transmit signals to ground receviers in cars, boats, airplanes (see also VOR). The GPS receiver uses the signals from the satellites (which are over 15,000 miles away!) and uses them to find your location, anywhere in the world, with incredable accuracy.
Without GPS, countless losers who can't use a VOR would be lost"
by IrishRepublicanArmy October 15, 2003
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