In Grand Theft Auto I, six Hare Krishna pedestrians roamed the streets chanting. If you killed all of them simultaneously you would get bonus points and the game would proclaim, "Gouranga!"
Dude, get a Beast GTS, it makes it easier to get gouranga.
by C. S. May 1, 2005
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When you run over a line of people all in a row, the word "Gouranga!" appears on the screen.
Muchos points.
by Joshua Smythe May 13, 2005
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Gauranga originates from sanskrit, and it means "light/gold limbed". The starter of golden sankirtan movement in India was named Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and he was often named Gaura or Gauranga (He is considered a golden lila-avatara of Krishna).
In popular culture, the word has an accepted meaning of "be happy".
A spate of spam emails have also appeared, and are sometimes known simply as the Hare Krishna spam:

Subject: Gouranga

Call out Gouranga be happy!!!
Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga ....
That which brings the highest happiness!!
by Tomaz July 9, 2006
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Krishna based email chain letter promoting happiness.
Gouranga gouranga gouranga. Shout garanga for happiness. Send this email to 56 other people - or die from terminal unhappiness. Gouranga gouranga gouranga.
by Ishtar Garanga March 27, 2003
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random word made up up north to make confuse idiots from south
"what the hell does gouranga mean?"
by arnie October 25, 2004
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Gouranga actually means 'be happy' and is indeed on motorway bridges in the north west of the UK,
there is no example
by Chris Child January 20, 2004
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The master cheat code for Grand Theft Auto 2. If the user enters Gouranga as their name, they can enter more cheats such as GODOFGTA,EATSOUP,CUTIE1, and RSJABBER
by Chairman March 14, 2005
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