When the number of your friends on Facebook decreases, but because you have so many friends, you are not sure who unfriended you.
"Dude, yesterday I had 311 friends and today I have 310!!!! I totally got ghost friended"
by thegranitehills February 3, 2010
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( noun) (1) social networking friends who are in your network, but have zero to minimum activity. (2) Friends who post no statuses, pictures and never bother to comment on anything and are wasting cyberspace.
I've already deleted nosey Rosy from my Facebook and now she's sending another friend request! She was totally inactive before, I don't anymore boring ghost friends .
by CyberDiva October 15, 2010
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a ghost friend is an acquaintance that act like friends with, but they don't state that they're your friend out loud. maybe someone you know is nice to you and always greets you (maybe they're just friendly/nice, but you can still consider them as a ghost friend)

although others may think you have a literal friend that's a ghost, you can explain the other definition for it.
i bumped into my ghost friend today, it was so funny yet embarrassing, lol

in math, my ghost friend and i laughed so hard, i love them
by kokopurin88 February 11, 2022
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When you unfriend someone on Facebook without telling them, and without them figuring out that it's you that unfriended them.
"Dude, I totally unfriended Paul, and he has so many Fakebook friends, he didn't even notice"

Ha Ha "you're such a ghost friend"
by thegranitehills February 3, 2010
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When an unknown person gets added to your friends list on MySpace, you know because you see your friend count increases on your homepage.
by anonymousssssssss December 9, 2007
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(n) - when you befriend a new friend and that friend does not have a Facebook account.
After meeting Dave, I wanted to send him a friend request on Facebook. Dave told me that he did not have a Facebook account and that I will have to Ghost Friend him.
by gambler325 June 17, 2016
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When you're friends with someone and they suddenly stop talking to you.
Dude I got friend ghosted wtf
by SomeGodDammedRandom December 3, 2017
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