to steal things from one's workplace. what makes ganking different from stealing is since you are a member of the working community, the supllies are yours, so you have a right to take them.
Yesterday, I ganked a computer from the office
by The White Raven February 25, 2003
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1. Meaning you have been suprise attacked in PvP mode of World of Warcraft, thus leading to your short and utter demise.

2. Gangbang cut something off
Aww shit, man, that fuckin 60 rogue just ganked my ass

I was workin on the lawn mower the other day when the blades engaged and my thumb got ganked
by Ptetra May 2, 2006
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To rip-off someone. To not give them what they paid for.
These chips are stale I got ganked.
by Roy Miller November 23, 2002
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The foul probably-bacteria-based product of sweat, rubber, and stagnant air. Found in your average high school wrestling room - the stench rotates - until it reaches you, festers inside your nose and lungs until you quickstep away complaining of the gank. A sickened facial expression normally accompanies the word.
Blehhh... what is that ... gank.
by Riot June 5, 2004
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to kill someone in a shady or unethical manner like cutting someones throat or shooting them in the face a number of times
That nigga Mike wasnt paying attention when Jamal came up behind him so he ganked his ass.
by H-Ecrispy May 4, 2007
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Murder by slapping someone repedidly
SS: Coach Z what are we doing here?
Coach Z: You was tryin to gank me!
by Redlen September 25, 2004
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