42 definitions by Darth Ridley

A vegetarian who eats eggs. Even those who become vegetarians for moral reasons can eat eggs, because those sold as food are not fertilised and can thus never develop into birds.
Alice: Can I get some egg salad over here?
Bob: Egg salad? I thought you were a vegetarian.
Alice: I'm an ovo-vegetarian, actually.
by Darth Ridley April 27, 2007
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In the Command and Conquer games, the engineer unit has the ability to capture enemy buildings and place hem under your control.

An engineer rush is a battle tactic where you send a fuckload of engineers into an enemy base and try to capture useful or expensive buildings.
I got his construction yard and weapon factory with an engineer rush. The rest was easy.
by Darth Ridley February 17, 2007
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A restaruant which serves all kosher food, but does not advertise thid fact.
Yosef wanted to stay in Yahweh's good graces, so he took his client to a stealth kosher restaurent for lunch.
by Darth Ridley January 13, 2007
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Student accomodation which consists of living with a local family, who are paid by the college, university, or local government to put a roof over your head.
Cool digs man!

I really dig your digs.
by Darth Ridley March 8, 2007
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A fossil fuel obtained from a bog. Sometimes called peat. Slow burning, but gives decent heat.
Throw another sod of turf on the fire.
by Darth Ridley November 7, 2006
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Somebody who lives in the Irish countryside. This word is used exclusively by jackeens, and so in fact means anyone from outside Dublin.
by Darth Ridley November 7, 2006
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