Rhino-fuck up the ass

1. Totally self explanitory; needs no definition

2. To ferociously perform intercourse on an attractive booty.

3. To be in a completely fucked-up situation
1. DAMN! I wanna rhino-fuck that bitch up the ass.

2. DAMN! I wanna rhino-fuck that bitch up the ass.

3. DAMN! We are so rhino-fucked up the ass.

4. Rhino-fuck up the ass
by Corn-roller September 29, 2005
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Used to define something that’s unpleasant
Person A: “Wow, I just got yelled at for something I didn’t do.”

Person B: “That’s like getting fucked up the ass without lube.”
by Dinneryum March 1, 2023
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fucking sally up the ass

put ur dick and/or stuff up a fine girls ass and do not take it out.
johnny is fucking sally up the ass with a big pickle.
by i fuck girls August 20, 2006
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What you say when you're in the middle of a story and realize no one's listening.
I'm sitting at the dinner table, telling my girlfriends family about how we met. As I'm getting to the funny part, i realize no one's listening, so i abruptly finish with "and then i fucked her up the ass!"
by goodlord! October 6, 2015
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