He wanted to make sure everyone knew how awesome he is, so Sam flourished the bottle of expensive wine for all to see.
by Jayzie November 21, 2013
Nick was flourishing yesterday, he got all the girls in the club.
They looked so good, they were flourishing as Nationals.
Is that Marc Jacobs, you are flourishing.
They looked so good, they were flourishing as Nationals.
Is that Marc Jacobs, you are flourishing.
by Flourish King June 13, 2014
To excel , grow in a healthy vigorious way or a bold or extravagant gesture action made especially to attract something
by Nichole 01 January 10, 2017
Flourish means to increase, thrive and to grow luxuriantly. It can also mean to prosper or achieve high success in every area of life. To Flourish is to reach the highest level of growth and influence. Flourish means to shine and glow as well.
by Feli Ari May 15, 2020
by Morgan Tierney October 31, 2006
"Look, dear, it's a flourish of gays in their native habitat!"
"The flourish of gays paused briefly at the store window before breezing on to the next attraction."
"The flourish of gays paused briefly at the store window before breezing on to the next attraction."
by EricInSeattle-ish December 1, 2009
a strikeout.
by RedSoxFan6 May 20, 2011