1. A genuine medical condition, caused by a variety of conditions including PTSD, "keypad phobia" and tennis elbow, which result in the sufferer being unable to type correctly.
2. Contrary to popular belief symptoms do not include having fingers so fat you're unable to type correctly.

Commonly abbreviated to ffs.
1. "Almost all of my tweets have typos because of FFS (Fat Finger Syndrome)"
2. "That should say peal not peak. Fat fingers syndrome! Rolling on the floor laughing"
3. "For* and not f4ir... fat fingers syndrome lol"
by IANBELL76 February 17, 2021
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Where one is so fat that the fat crushes the vocal chords to a point that it causes them to have a deeper, fatter sounding voice.
when you hear a chubster talk then you know they have the Fat Throat SYndrome
by Mauro Vescera April 19, 2008
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Some girls like fat guys because their fathers were fat. So you play on that. It's the Fat Father Syndrome- the F.F.S.
Brendon: Fat Father Syndrome?
Coach: Yeah- girls have fat fathers, all right?
Brendon: Mhm.
Coach: So when you're fat, you remind girls of their father.
Brendon: Right.
Coach: Done deal.
by Emmy M January 13, 2012
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Some one who is that fat and ugly, they think they have the right to talk shit about others because their life is that boring and unpleasant 1- because they are overweight

2- because they literally need to put others down to feel better about their fat cuntness
by Anna4heart August 23, 2015
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The common behaviors that often associated with fat girls; however, sometime also occur in fat guys. Some of the behaviors are retarded remark or opinion that nobody cares about, spacing out, moody, and weird annoying laugh when they're alone or without any reason.

Also when a skinny chick thinks that she's fat and starts complaining about her weight and acting all crazy and retarded to the point that you just want to smack her.
Did your girl hung out with her fat ass co-worker again? She's showing sign of fat chick syndrome and it's annoy the shit out of me. You need to get her to stay away from that crazy fat bitch.
by Socal Native August 7, 2011
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1. A genuine medical condition, caused by over eating. Symptoms include having fingers so fat you're unable to type correctly, and never ever getting laid.
2. Caused by tiredness and laziness. Not concentrating on typing you make embarrasing typos.

Cannot be abbreviated to ffs.
1. "Christ have you seen Alex's fingers? They're like fuckin sausages!"
"don't be so harsh, he has fat finger syndrome."
2. but wer'e not giong shoippng lvoe!
by spacer_ June 15, 2008
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A person who likes to eat 1,000 times a day and will never stop!
Oh look it’s the two retards that have fat idiot syndrome
by Bidaddy101 June 8, 2020
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