An adjective for awesome. Drawing etymologically from the awesomeness of the female sex organs.
"Oh, it was total cuntness! It had a strong lead female and a surprise ending!"

"And was dinner good?"
"Oh yeah, it was total cuntness. We went to that new Thai fusion place I've been wanting to try and their coconut soup was cuntness and a half."

"So was your date a nice dude?" "Oh yeah, he's got a job that sounds like absolute cuntness and plus he's really cuntness in bed!"
by dayglogirl April 20, 2010
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A noun describing a woman's vagina or vulva as characterized by its aura, smell, or taste. The word appears in this context in Bret Easton Ellis's 1991 novel American Psycho.
James was pleading with God to please let him taste his new girlfriend's juicy cuntness. She was, after all, a mormon.
by Big Foot Goes South August 7, 2017
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Chutism, Chutiya, Noob !

Fucking noob who don't know anything, Just to utter ugly wisdom less words!
Here's the cuntness,

I can see the cuntness whenever he proposes a girl.

He is a fucking cunt, full of cuntness!
by Dimebag Sucker July 6, 2009
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Used when expressing someone of particular bad taste.
Often gets you thrown out of Pizza Express/numerous pizzeria.
cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt!
by Total_bloody_ledge March 31, 2015
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Ann Coulter, a self proclaimed bigot, who is everything that is wrong with America. It is people like her that stop real progress and change in America while spreading lies and hate.
Son: "Hey dad, what are you reading"

Dad: "...Slander, by Ann Coulter"

Son: "No! Dad, not that cunted cunt!"
by birkenstock wearing treehugger November 22, 2009
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One whom is not merely a cunt, but a cunting cunt.
Why is it that all chavs are cunting cunts?
by Mr x March 21, 2004
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