31 definitions by blu3hat

like pull out but faster
To yank out means giving her no time to react until jizzing on her face
by blu3hat July 25, 2010
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A j4ker (pronounced "jacker") is someone that uses "jk" or any other abbriviation in txting, comments, email, youtube, pretty much fucking anywhere.

abriviation for j4ker: jkr (only for you j4kers out there!)
J4ker: lolroflmfao jkjkjkjkjkjkj lolololololololo omg wtf bbq! :-D ^_____^

regular guy: Yo man, what the hell are you saying? You stupid j4ker!

j4ker: i b no jkr! *___* mf! :-D
by blu3hat October 6, 2010
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Kreckler is a step above A+ on a report card
by blu3hat March 24, 2013
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place where sperm are stored
-Ohhh! Right in the sperm globes!!
by blu3hat October 8, 2010
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when bored in class you put your desk on the chair of the person sitting in front of you and say aloud "MOUNT!" get the entire class to mount
yesterday I mounted kat's chair
by blu3hat January 27, 2011
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Christian the Awesome Ninja is an almost indescribable fictional short story written by the infamous Drew Relkcerk. The story is about a guy named Christian who kills his parents accidentaly with his ninja powers before he even knows he has them. Then he learns more about his powers as he gets older and becomes Christian the Awesome Ninja. In the story he becomes so awesome you`d think he`s the good guy but, as the story progresses he becomes corrupt and starts killing people for no reason. Then, out of a giant bolt of lightning from the sky, comes Drew! Who owns Christian and changes Christian`s name to chis. And Drew changes his own name to Drew The Savior. In order to understand this crazy-ass logic you must read the story which is impossible for alot of people because the only 4 copies of the story are here in my desk drawer.

A few excerpts from Christian the Awesome Ninja below:
1.)" Narrator: There once was a Christian named ninja

Producer: CUT! Oh, C`mon man this is like the 50th time we`ve gone over this its 'There once was a ninja named Christian!! Seriously though, you gotta work on that!!

Narrator: Oh, Sorry

Producer: Alright everybody! From the top! ACTION!"
2.) "Drew the Savior: I couldn`t have done it without help from my best friends Chuck Norris and Jesus."

3.) "Christian the Awesome Ninja: ABRA KADABRA ALEKAZAM!!!"
by blu3hat June 30, 2010
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I liked the part when.., I liked the part where.., I like the part.., I like when..

All these are variations of "I Like The Part..."

I Like The Part... is a sentence used to state the obvious and that you liked it
It is most commonly used in comments on youtube videos
Say, on a Call of Duty video, an "I Like The Part..." commnet would read: "I like the part where you played Call of Duty."

Some find I Like The Part... comments to be funny
by blu3hat December 30, 2011
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