A term to desribe a team that has a presence and determination to beat anyone. They Proclaim their domination through there attitude and effort. The result takes care of its self.
We saw domination proclamation own everyone to win the softball title
by chmkobe8 April 23, 2007
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Proving someone wrong by looking up the debate on google. You can also prove yourself correct by using google. Settling an argument by using google as the arbitrator to settle the dispute. Thus you have google dominated someone.
Austin said that kobe scored 70 points last night but I google dominated his ass and proved that he scored 81. I fuckin google dominated his ass.
by Brett C B-town March 27, 2007
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The Domination Game is where two people (preferably heterosexual; although other's can be used) tie each other up, take a shit and smear it in their eye sockets. Then they continue to bang and shit at the same time.
Daren: Yo! John and Amy both went to the toilet at the same time... Kinda, sus.
Victor: Probably playing the Domination Game ;)
by Viciboy December 8, 2020
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dominance-preservationism, noun. The act of manipulating a system or institution as a means of protecting one’s power or position
the public official, in an unabashed show of dominance-preservationism, instituted policies that prevented his subordinates from gaining power.
by minerva's undersecretary February 12, 2020
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Dominic is the best guy you will ever meet. He is a leader, kind and the sexyest guy around. He is a huge ladys man or at least he would be if he wasn't a great boyfriend to whoever is lucky enough to be with him rn. He is also a great friend to have he will always try and make everyone have fun and never force anyone to do anything. He would also stick up for his friends no matter what. So if your friends with him you're very lucky
Hay do you know Dominic solano? Yeah he is great.
by Widowmaker October 27, 2020
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When you decide the only way to get yourself out of shit is to throw all your mates under a bus at once
My parents caught me smoking dope the other day so I did full a Dominic Cummings and told 'em it was my mates fault and I was just a passenger in their narcotic hobbies
by LingardsNan32 May 26, 2021
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