Discipline like spank, and simian as "relating to an ape or monkey." So it's a fancy way of saying "spank the monkey"
Dave: "Yeah, I saw that guy, he looked pretty hot."

Chris: "Fuck yeah. Excuse me I think I need to go uh...discipline my simian if you know what I mean."
by Clint November 5, 2004
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Child Disclipline is really

ABUSE to your child.
When used in a sentence, it is usually sarcastic.
'I taught my son some Child Discipline ,last night.'
by Sam Likes Ham January 22, 2010
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when you see a child getting punished by there parent/guardian in public and often is very cringe worthy/ hard to watch.
aww man you see that public discipline over there?
by joey daz April 6, 2011
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Defensive football players conciousiously not allowing holes for players like Adrian Peterson to rush right on through
Ah man that was terrible Gap Discipline ipine, he ran right through them
by Thecoolestguyontheplanet October 6, 2009
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Traditional form of punishment, most often found in the military or large corporations, whereas a group or population of people is punished for the misgivings of one person/small group of people. One person shits his pants, now we all have to wear diapers!
Tom: "Did you hear Leroy wrecked the truck yesterday while he was out on deliveries?"
Joe: "No, but I'll guess that's why we're all going to be here on Saturday morning for re-training... Good Old Diaper Discipline!"
by Bob Wxly February 15, 2013
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A collection of upstanding young individuals that wish to impress their ideological values of Music upon the many masses. Either that or they will duct tape you to a chair in a basement and force you to listen to their music until you either like it or you explode.
Those Disciplining Percy guys are rad! Rad like venerial disease!
by ANONYMOUS January 6, 2003
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