aka Ice Poseidon, known for scripting/faking content (fake break up, robbery, cop etcc)
Ding Ding Denino lied to us again, check Reddit
by Ding Ding Denino June 10, 2018
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NYC Lower east side Asian slang. Literal meaning: Your grandmother's vagina.
Your teamate criticizing your ball playing error. My reply to him: "Muckahoy ding-ding". Meaning drop-dead, you stink wh0 cares?
by Murray Haldanish September 29, 2019
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in mmorpgs, esp. WoW, *ding* is used to notify others in your party/guild/etc. that you have just leveled up
randomly while playing in the chat log:

player A: *ding*

player B: congratulations
by h4nk D4 74nk0r August 9, 2007
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Reference to a hot chick. Stems from the episode of Family Guy when Peter wants to be a knight. The black knight introduces his wench and all the men get erections causing a "ding" sound except when it came to Mort who looked around and yelled DING!

Hence, when you see a hott chick you yell DING to notify your friends.
DING! check out the tits on her.
by John gags June 18, 2007
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dinge: someone who is boring,can't have fun,a dull and mean person

subsidiary of dingy: dull boring, gloomy drab
Taylor: Aling,you're such a dinge.Why Can't you have fun at this party? We have all your favorite drinks and all,I don't know why you're upset.

Me: Maybe I'm just tired and maybe you're right.
by Aling Kjet May 31, 2019
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Having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense
Melissa: "erin thought the eclipse occurred every year"
Amanda: "erin is such a ding"
by Tank228 August 18, 2017
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