honestly i have no idea, i just once heard a retarded kid say it in my 7th grade math class, it was pretty funny
retarded kid says
"didder didder say the red headed shitter"

makes no sense and is still amazing
by themotherfuckingshit April 29, 2009
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A run-together abbreviation of Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR, usually used by Arcade Goofs on a sugar high.
Let's play some DidDeR!! Eeep!!
*Vaults over the counter and hacks the coin machine with an axe to get at the game tokens*
by Aia May 29, 2005
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Verb. To didder. To stumble over ones own foot while walking too fast.
I had to pee so bad I diddered on the way to the bathroom and almost fell. Stumble trip
by BulieRose January 29, 2017
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Sister, or very close friend. Another way for a girl to state 'girlfriend' whom you have no sexual relations with.
Me and my didders all have the same mom.

Today all the didders went to the movies.
by lafleckv September 5, 2010
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A retarded way to say the abbreviation for DDR, often used with, "73H 1337 d00dz 0n 73H f0rumz"
MetalJacketFreak: "omg didder is teh best gaem evar"
ThisGameSucks: "You need a hobby, dipshit."
by BadDogNoBiscuits October 1, 2003
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A southern statement used as an alternative to "oops."
Aww Flidder Didder, that ain't good.
by A Southern Fella December 19, 2020
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