Dickishness: relating to, or being, in the state, quality, condition or degree of being a dick.

Dick in this sense is a "mean" or "contempable" person(s)

Credited to "The Daily Show's" Dan Bakkedahl.
"Would you say that your decision to storm out in the middle of an interview reflects a general dickishness amongst Republicans that's probably responsible for the fact that New Orleans is under water? And I will take a hang up to mean yes."
by Ben Slagle June 24, 2006
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to be brash and insensitive to another. to put your own interests above all else. to act like a penis.
matt bates matt bates matt bates
by Mason Williams October 31, 2004
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A description of behavior of acting like a complete dick towards another human being with or without justification.
I can't stand Sean and his dickish ways!
by Brewing Beer April 14, 2015
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To act in such a way that confirms the popular presupposition that someone is a dick.

Dickish behaviour is synonymous with acting like a complete cunt.
I can't believe you stabbed my nan, that's pretty dickish man.
by Norma Stits May 3, 2010
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A generic use of the proper word

adjective;A description of the improper use of the word (dick) acting as a dick would. ie: spouting or discharging grossly without thinking!
You said alot of things in your email that were very dickish!
by chadakel January 29, 2008
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An act of rudeness towards a person.

Used commonly to define an intentional act of rudeness.
Dude, that guy won't let me change lanes. What a dickish thing to do...
by Bob_O August 14, 2009
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Like, as, or relating to a dick.
Like a penis.
Generally unpleasant to be around or unruly.
As, of, or relating to a jerkass.
At first I thought he was alright, but the more I talked to him, the more dickish he seemed.
by SumGuy98 January 17, 2015
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