Similar to motorboating, except performed on a girl's ass.
Those midgets in the bar were depth charging those girl's asses all night!
by itsthatbradguy July 11, 2010
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Ok you need a Pint of Guinness and a shot of Vodka...

Now drop the shot glass full of vodka into the pint of guinness and drink before the shotglass hits the bottem...

Thats a fuckin depth charge!
back in the day me and my dad used to drink depth charges after playing foosball for about 15 hours while tripping on strong cid...
by Mikey gavinn October 3, 2004
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One of those big turds that falls, hits, and then a split second later sends a monstrous splash up to soak your ass.
I used a whole fucking role of toilet paper cuz I kept dropping depth charges.
by Colin G. November 5, 2007
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When one swims below the surface of the water and takes a shit, usually in a natural body of water such as a lake or ocean.
I was out fishing with my friends and had to take a shit so I jumped in the lake and dropped a depth charge.
by DookieJones February 28, 2015
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When you insert a berocca into your rectum and then submerge yourself in a bath tub.
"That was a fucking weird party." "I know right, Dave did a Depth Charge!"
by /tv/ and /v/ pleb October 18, 2017
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Laying a fart in the cushion of a couch so precisely that the next person who sits down on it will get a blast of nasty butt!
Heh, heh... I just left a depth-charge for George.
by James Jarvis August 5, 2004
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A fart floated in an area to be occupied by an unsuspecting victim.

Before exiting on the 5th floor, I dropped a depth charge and spotted the lady’s look of disgust when she got in the elevator.
by Ziggy Blonde March 2, 2009
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