Anyone with multiple gold necklaces, and excessive chest hair. Italian in origin. baths in cologne

see Legato.
smell that? I think there is a dago wop around here...
by Partyboy3000 September 21, 2004
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What happens to Pirelli tires when they get punctured: Dago WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP.
I love my Pirelli tires. When dago flat, dago WOP.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 21, 2005
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A person of mediterranean heritage usually seen sporting tracksuit pants and a greasy mullet. Also enjoys working on a variety of highly inefficient vehicles not limited to muscle cars but also japanese brands commonly associated with ricers, although these will have that unique stupid wop dago touch added to them.
Wow that greasy fuck tony never stops working on that piece of shit valiant of his, you know he really is a fucking stupid wop dago.
by Fister84 October 14, 2011
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Uh, Italians are not white. They're like their own race.
by hmm April 19, 2005
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Derragatory slang terms for Italians. Guninea: Stands for the Guinea African Coast, Implying Italians are not white (completely untrue!).
Goomba: Italian word for Godfather, Implying mafia connections.
Wop: Stands for Without Papers, as many Italian immigrants coming in from Italy to America did not have papers. Dago: Not sure.
"You think im some goombah housewife with big hair and big jewelery??"
"You dirty wop, go back to Naples"
"You stupid Guinea, go back to Africa"
"What up dago?"
by mikey ambrosio February 8, 2005
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