Pure soda syrup without carbonated water. This contains ungodly amounts of sugar and caffeine and can be hazardous to one's health when guzzled. To get Crunk Juice, simply walk up to a self-serve soda fountain, slide the card with the soda's logo on it upwards, and press the exposed button halfway down. This works best with Vault or Mountain Dew, b/c of the high sugar and caffeine. This gives you a great boost for about 3-4 hours but after that, you crash.
I needed a pick-me-up at work the other day, so I poured myself some Crunk Juice. After that I was running around like a squirrel on speed.
by Dragomir Andreyevich July 30, 2007
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\Crunk\ (kru^ngk), Crunkle \Crun"kle\ (kru^ng"k'l), v. i. Cf. Icel. kr?nka to croak. To cry like a crane. Obs. ``The crane crunketh.''

v. intr.
Slang. To drink alcoholic beverages excessively.

basically... a "supposedly" alchoholic beverage... well , i'll let you decide
`lil-jon`... thanks to you we now can't stop saying your famous one-phrasers such as what? ok yeah and get crunk with my crunk juice thanks alot you asshole
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a Drink that is just like red bull that gives you energy to party
lets get some crunk juice so we can party
by John March 30, 2005
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IBC cream soda.
Because it comes in glass bottles and resembles beer.
Shit, lets head out to wal-mart and get some crunk juice.
by John Blondin June 22, 2005
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shit to get you crunk and excited...namely alcohol
lemme get some of this crunk juice up in me and this shit bout to be liva than a muthafucka
by alk March 1, 2005
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a combination of an energy drink, and hard liquor (it is said to have unusuall results when consumed)

a popular one is hennesy and red bull

there is a manufactured one called sparks
Yo gimme a sip of dat Crunk Juice hommes.
by Crazy Bob March 9, 2005
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