oxymoron- when something is spectacularly crappy.
the ultimate expression of sarcasm
"I hope I don't fail this test, because that was be just craptacular"
by bgates March 21, 2006
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Something that's extremely bad. Horribly bad.
Dude: Man, I just lost my job!!!

Dudette: Awww man...that's craptacular! :(
by Lissy_Rules July 5, 2006
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craptacular. adj. 1. an extremely sarcastic description of an undesireable object, state, or predicament.

Origin: combination of the words crap and spectacular to form a one-word cynical remark.
Life in Minneapolis in the 70's was crapacular.
by Orius September 4, 2002
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Both spectacular and crappy, in other words, when something is so bad that it has to be seen to be believed.
Why is all the new American-made animation so craptacular?
by K. Olbermann is the devil September 12, 2007
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shitty or stupid enough to win a prize.
(also see "craptabulous."
Your 1986 honda is craptacular.
by Jason January 13, 2004
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My son came out with this word on bonfire night to describe the spectacularly crappy fireworks.
that rocket was fucking craptacular
by Bryn December 5, 2004
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when something is crappy, but you want to make it sound like it was good.
Don: that was craptacular gay sex.

Zbigniew: Why thank you
by jAkE August 5, 2005
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