a person who sets out to date your boy/girlfriend while you are still dating them. The situation usually ends up with the boy/girlfriend breaking up with their significant other, causing them to become a crying, worthless heap of human life. Once the said covetee hooks up with the coveter just once, they are then, in turn, broken up with, leaving them just like their worthless ex-boy/girlfriend.
by Jamie Baumgart September 29, 2006
by _Sam_ June 9, 2005
It's sorta like, being jealous to someone else. A violations to the ten commandments if you belive in it like myself.
by Siliva2 July 27, 2006
1) Acting irregular due to stresses of the Covid-19 Pandemic 2) Exhausted from dating depression related to the Covid-19 Pandemic and no longer understanding dating etiquette 3) Having brain fog in communications
My friend texted a covetized ex-boss to just say hello and he lead his text response with "I am dating someone''.
by Winsome Sorrento July 7, 2022
To desire or want something, possessions or someone unattainable that another person has to the point it ruins ones life.
The young man lived such a covetousness life, he went unchecked and eventually contolled every aspect of his life.
by Mercenary Missionary April 29, 2009
Being covetous, being overly protective of one's money or property, and seeking to own other people's property.
by Gentile June 6, 2003
by [EU] Assassin February 7, 2017