
by Paul Dana December 30, 2004
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Pussy; twat; another word for vagina that you can't get in trouble for saying
Girl: what's a couter?
Boy: that thing between your legs that I wanna taste
by mini muso March 4, 2011
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"'Do you have any couter, brother?' the old drunkie said to me and my droogs."

-- Anthony Burgess, "A Clockwork Orange"
by Twathenge April 10, 2006
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couter tutor

It's the use of the padding you put around the bar while squatting weights at your local gym... Most the time its a piece of foam padding, or sometimes it's a towel or shirt.
Pat-"John, let's do some squats."
John-"I can't do them unless I find the pad to go around the bar, otherwise it hurts my shoulders."
Pat-" Are you serious? You need the couter tutor? Your such a pussy!"
by Matthew Snips June 26, 2007
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jive couter

When that pussy is nasty and musty
Damn that’s one jive couter
by Neucam11 November 13, 2017
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A young girl who is pursued romantically by an older lesbian.

Or who makes herself available to an older lesbian
There is no better way to start your day than waking up with a couter-kitten in your bed.
by Angus McCracken January 21, 2020
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