the place where you enter inexorbitant amounts of debt to "learn" things you will never apply once to your actual occupation. Basically, an expensive 4-year waiting period for a paper called "degree".
I will owe Wells Fargo my first born so I can pay off my college.
by Drenam February 2, 2003
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where dreamers can go to secure a plan B for their future employment prospects
Jenny always wanted to be a singer-songwriter, but her parents persuaded her to choose English as a college major, for a fallback plan. She later married a 1950s-style brute who orders her to edit all of his work-related documents and to have dinner on the table by five every night. Life can be so tragic sometimes.
by D.S. Credito March 5, 2015
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An alternative to buying a Ferrari (they cost about the same).
Damn, that Ferrari costs almost as much as college.
by Duesey December 1, 2003
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a $20,000 cover charge for 18-21 year olds
I was drunk my first semester at college.
by wjs June 19, 2003
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1. High school redirected in a very expensive facility, concentrated with thousands of other crazy drunks, potheads, nerds, and hopeful virgins. It's the center where young adults feel free to do as they wish considering booze, drugs and sex are beknowngst parents, and only until holiday vacations are when their precious sons and daughters come home clean and sober (most of the time). It's the namesake of a heavily financial burden and longterm debt paid by the attendee soon after they (hopefully) graduate.

2. The Real World meets Animal House.
Girl: College is going to be awesome! I can't wait to meet all the guys!
Nerd: I will graduate with a B.S. in Physics.
Boy: I'm a Sigma Chi.
Professor: I hate these little bastards.
Parent: It's as if they're suckling on my retirement funds.
by Ronique S. July 4, 2006
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A highly overated pyramid scheme in which, in exchange for four+ years of your life, you get financially raped by the school bookstore, tuition office, and the american educational system. And as a bonus you get a piece of paper called a 'Duh-Gree' which you pin to your shirt so potential employers will know why you are so stupid.
EMPLOYER: So why do want to work here?
EX-STUDENT: Because I went to college, and therefore I am entitled to a high paying job.
EMPLOYER: Of course. I think you will do well with us. Here is a corner cubicle where you'll spend the rest of your life complaining about why you never get a raise and dropouts are making more than you.
EX-STUDENT: Sounds great! The job world isn't so hard after all.
by m1z_w1z_11 September 2, 2005
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A place of conformity, stuck-up people, stds and brainwashing. Overpriced and worthless.
When College rejects you for admission, don't get upset. Be thankful that you dodged a bullet.
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