The constant expression on Megan Fox's face. Its Her trademark facial expression that makes her so appealing to men and launched her talentless career.

fuckin, mouth breathing, hot slut.
"Sometimes when that Megan Fox bitch makes that cock sucker face I want to punch her in the mouth cause I cant tell if she is looking snobby and arogant or if she does infact want to suck my cock."
by 123jerk May 6, 2010
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term used to describe when a guy directs a girl's head towards his penis in attempt to invoke oral pleasure
Guy: Bitch, gimme dome! (pushes girl down)
Girl: What the fuck!? You tryin' to cock my face?
by Fedigan November 27, 2007
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Somebody who is acting like a complete shithead.
John kicked a puppy; hence, he is a cock face.
by Sean Scogs February 14, 2004
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a person being an idiot, jerk, cock, asshole, or being plain stupid.

shortened term - also see being a cock.
"fuck dude your being such a cock face right now"

"dont be such a cock face!"
by raaafael September 7, 2007
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when you take a pair of sunglasses and set them on your penis while you are naked. Thus making a face with your penis as the nose, ballsack as the chin, the pubes as the hair, and the sunglasses as the eyes. The hair style of the face can vary depending on the length of your pubic hairs. It looks very funny.
by Tyler C. October 28, 2007
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Term normally used as an adjective describing someone with a male penis, or cock, on their face, usualy used in terms with being to serious and a cock actualy growing on their face.
Girl #1: "Eww why does Imran have a cock on his face?"
Girl #2: "Cause he's a cock face, and a pussyless faggot!"
by Imran Bob Carr November 17, 2005
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