cmat, aka Ciara Mary-Alice Thompson, is the greatest singer-songwriter of the century with hit songs left and right but the fanbase isn't the biggest. That's why you, yes you, should go stream her album If My Wife New I'd Be Dead rn. Also she is the nicest person in the entire universe and actively interacts with fans wink wink. She is also friends with Declan McKenna the guy that wrote Brazil isn't that cool. NOT TO MENTION HER STYYYLE SHE IS THE QUEEN EVER!!!
omg cmat is the coolest person ever she's so stylish and nice and her songs are all so good!!!
by cmat babies May 15, 2022
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That which is derived from situational and decision based insanity and catastrophe, usually alcohol related. Alot like HAZMAT but a derivitative assocciated with activity that would be qualified as off the hook.
Girl gets up on a bar with 90 stands of beads, strips to her skinnies and does a handstand, all the while chewing on a piece of beef jerky and writing the alphabet on the ceiling in chocolate pudding with her toes--afterwards by which she jumps off the bar and says: "I want to be a waterbead when I grow up" followed by, "you look a lot like my uncle, he says Im a great kisser">>>> ALARMS SOUND EVERYWHERE, PEOPLE BACK UP>>>CMAT CMAT CMAT CMAT!!!!
by Matsler-nation May 22, 2009
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“Critical Misogynistic Abuse Theory” is the practice of teaching or leading a school sports group or military-type trainee group by means of unjustifiable misogynistic abuse of people, through such means as questioning the gender identity or sexual preference of participants. When a coach or a drill sergeant calls guys “ladies” as an insult, they are doing CMAT, even if they never heard of it.
The coach thought he would create better performance by insultingly labeling some boys as being girls; that CMAT is both counterproductive and a violation of his duties.
by Bru102 July 21, 2021
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Transitive verb: to do something amazing, unbeatable, or otherwise remarkable in a good way; to vanquish
I cmatsed you so badly.
Man, you're getting cmatsed!
by Medso Fag November 25, 2004
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National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Certified Master Automotive Technician.

To attain such status a technician with at least 2 years experience must elect to take and pass a series of 8 written tests put on by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. To maintain such status the technician must also retake recertification tests which are shorter but tend to be more difficult every 5 years.
Take your car to Bob's Garage and have Tim look at it, he's an ASE CMAT.
by adtmatt May 27, 2010
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Y’all— I have an English essay, History report, Chemistry project, and Algebra homework due tomorrow. I can’t do it. See you in the morning... #cmats
by thiccboysadness104 January 8, 2020
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