catchin' wreck

To put on a superb performance when engaging in an activity that requires skill (such as sports or freestyle rapping); going hard in general.
My nigga Koopa was catchin' wreck when he went into the booth on rap city.

That nigga Moss was catchin' wreck all over the cowboys last week.
by the jobester October 22, 2007
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catchin' wreck

a website where you can buy New Era, Mitchell and Ness snapbacks for a good price.
person 1: yo where did you get that fresh snapback ? ive been looking for one and they don't have sick ones at the mall.

person 2: i got it off they got all the dope snapbacks.

by 2.4.11 July 31, 2011
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Catchin Wreck

When person does destructve things that may or may not be sluttish or just plain loose.
Boy1 Yo i heard Shanaynayisha F*cked 5 dudes last week.

Boy2: Damn... that Bitch is Catchin Wreck

Boy1: Word. smh
by NenitaBorikuaa1432 May 26, 2011
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catchin wreck

a website where you can buy New Era, Mitchell and Ness snapbacks for a good price.
person 1: yo where did you get that fresh snapback ? ive been looking for one and they don't have sick ones at the mall.

person 2: i got it off they got all the dope snapbacks.

by 2.4.11mostdope July 31, 2011
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catchin wreck

to have sexual relations with someone without being seriously commited
hey jo whats up with your girl?

that wasnt my girl i was just catchin wreck
by joepellegreeno August 3, 2019
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