casino royale

Hitting a man in the balls, preferably with a blunt object tied to a rope, like in the new James Bond movie, Casino Royale.
Yesterday, I hit Tyler in the face, so he gave me a Casino Royale with a yoyo.
by Micah Hannam November 25, 2006
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Casino Royale

The best Bond move ever. PERIOD.
With Casino Royale, MGM have redeemed themselves with the garbage that was the Pierce Brosnan films.
by A Gorilla December 4, 2006
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Casino Royale

Small, strip casino located in the heart of the Las Vegas strip at 3411 Las Vegas Blvd. This "gem" of a casino offers such amenities as: (a) the violent smell of puke; (b)$1 margarita's and Michelob beers; (c) an outback steakhouse upstairs; (d) 150 murder and drug invested rooms; (e) 100x odds on craps; and (f) an out of date Dennys. The casino's trademark is the fact that no matter when you show up, any day, any night, any time of year, one of the men's room urinals is always covered in a trash bag, reeking of the smell of puke with an OUT OF ORDER sign posted over it.

Kevin and I just spun the "Wheel of Madness" at the Casino Royale.
by lawzag August 24, 2007
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Casino Royale

The act of fucking a girl in the ass whilst eating her pussy.
Because you've got liquor in the front and poker in the back.
Credit : Imitation_Gruel
by goddamnigotbitches March 25, 2015
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to be sacked by a heavy swinging object
Chuck Norris casino-royaled everyone... in the world...and your mother.
by professional casino-royalist February 21, 2009
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Casino Royale

When a married woman is cheating on her husband with you and she gets a call from her husband.
"Bro, I had the most intense casino royale with Stacy last night. I talked to Brian like 10 minutes after it and he has no idea."
"Wow, Stacy's such a whore, congrats bro."
by Reaper777 August 31, 2013
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Casino Royale

A Casino Royale is performed when one man is banging a girl doggie style (either hole is good) while another man is getting a blow job from the same girl at that time. During this, the two guys are playing a game of Texas Hold'em Poker on her back
Me and Julio met up with Esmerelda yesterday and we ended up giving her the Casino Royale
by Igor The Great July 3, 2007
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