Aside a meateater, Carnivore is a New York thrash metal band leaded by Pete Steele from Type O Negative. Its the band that he was in before he formed Repulsion which turned into Type O Negative. They are a complete opposite of Type O, with fast songs, with the most hateful lyrics ever that are either political or a vision of a post-apocalyptic warrior. They released "Carnivore" album in 1985 and "Retaliation" in 1987.
by crazydude1992 February 7, 2009
A being that does not require dietary supplement pills in its diet because animal products provide the bulk of the nutrition.
I'm glad I have a carnivore's instinct because I know I won't have to take twelve herbal supplement pills for each time I have a hamburger or a steak or a rack of ribs.
by hmmm August 11, 2003
A little used term to describe a woman who is super aggressive toward getting a guy. When we say agressive, she is definently on a hunt and bag mission
by Theamazinggeek February 15, 2018
Where da hell has Tyrone been yo, I think da carnivore keeping his ass away. (Tyrones girlfriend/babies mama/wife is blocking all of our attempts to see how he is doing.)
by Donkey Balls November 14, 2002
by Nathaneil01 July 11, 2008
The most amazing restaurant in the world, situated in Nairobi, Kenya, where you can have all you can eat meat for only about £12. They also do damn good cocktails and there's a wicked night club next door called Simba Saloon. But don't bother going if you're a vegetarian.
by Carnivore January 1, 2006