
Someone who has anger at vegans for having more willpower then them.
So they go to urbandictionary and attempt too sign vegans of as teen posers, when in actual fact most vegans are not teenagers anymore and most of them are not emo posers either.
Carnivores seem too constantly tell vegans that it is the circle of life too eat meat.
And they also like too state that some animals eat other animals as if it makes it ok for us humans too eat animals.
They consistently go on about how they hate vegans who try too impose their views on others, and don't seem too have the ability too notice they are trying too shove their views on us with their constant whining of how eating meat is the circle of life, etc etc.
Carnivore: Why are you a vegan. Animals eat other animals too!

Vegan: Humans have the ability too think twice about our natural instincs and make our own descisions based on what we believe.

Carnivore: But it's the circle of life!

Vegan: It is the 2007. You have been sitting on the computer fighting with me by means off a virtual world that can be seen and heard but not touched.
We are not cavemen anymore, and I believe you sir are a hypocrite.
by Porridgey March 3, 2007
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1. an organism that solely eats meat, or dead animal, or flesh of other organisms, etc., etc.

2. an organism with the brain power of an ant

3. a human IGNORANT of factory farms

Note: Most human carnivores/omnivores, especially those found on this website, are defensive about their eating habits, for, by eating meat, one supports and encourages the heinous cruelty in factory farms (see an action that shouldn't be regarded as morally right. Some carnivores have good, viable reasons to be carnivorous, which should be respected by veg.ans. But most falter in that area. You can see this, because they are reduced to making fun of veg.ans with vacuous, fatuous attempts at an insult.
I can't believe those carnivores made fun of my veganism as a tenant of my religion; I don't go around bashing Christian, right-wing, ignorant fundamentalists' moral principles!

Carnivores have often defended their diet by referring to all of man and woman's history, in which meat was eaten. Unfortunately, they neglect the fact that slavery and mass genocide was endorsed by generations upon generations of people as well. Whoops!
by karl marx January 4, 2005
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An example of a carnivore is a chicken eater. To kill chickens they hang them by their legs and insert a metal rod into their mouth which then is given a jolt of electricity. There is a high pitch chirp, then the body stiffens up and they are dead. Some chickens beaks are even shaved off, some plucked and some boiled alive.
by SMLILEGNA February 22, 2009
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Someone who has anger at vegans for having more willpower then them.
So they go to urbandictionary and attempt too sign vegans of as teen posers, when in actual fact most vegans are not teenagers anymore and most of them are not emo posers either.
Carnivores seem too constantly tell vegans that it is the circle of life too eat meat.
And they also like too state that some animals eat other animals as if it makes it ok for us humans too eat animals.
They consistently go on about how they hate vegans who try too impose their views on others, and don't seem too have the ability too notice they are trying too shove their views on us with their constant whining of how eating meat is the circle of life, etc etc.
Carnivore: Why are you a vegan. Animals eat other animals too!

Vegan: Humans have the ability too think twice about our natural instincs and make our own descisions based on what we believe.

Carnivore: But it's the circle of life!

Vegan: It is the 2007. You have been sitting on the computer fighting with me by means off a virtual world that can be seen and heard but not touched.
We are not cavemen anymore, and I believe you sir are a hypocrite.
by Porridgey March 1, 2007
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For a human to sacrifice more energy for more enjoyable food (meat).
(Insert Irish accent)

Example 1

Carl: Dave has been really lazy recently.

Connor: Haven’t you heard Carl? Dave has become a carnivore.

Example 2

Alphonsis: *enjoying chicken*.

Michael: Wow! Being a carnivore sure looks fun!

Alphonsis: *offers chicken*.
Michael: *puts down celery and enjoys chicken*.
*dual enjoyment*.
by Treble5900 October 4, 2018
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Someone who has anger at vegans for having more willpower then them.
So they go to urbandictionary and attempt too sign vegans of as teen posers, when in actual fact most vegans are not teenagers anymore and most of them are not emo posers either.
Carnivores seem too constantly tell vegans that it is the circle of life too eat meat.
And they also like too state that some animals eat other animals as if it makes it ok for us humans too eat animals.
They consistently go on about how they hate vegans who try too impose their views on others, and don't seem too have the ability too notice they are trying too shove their views on us with their constant whining of how eating meat is the circle of life, etc etc.
Carnivore: Why are you a vegan. Animals eat other animals too!

Vegan: Humans have the ability too think twice about our natural instincs and make our own descisions based on what we believe.

Carnivore: But it's the circle of life!

Vegan: It is the 2007. You have been sitting on the computer fighting with me by means off a virtual world that can be seen and heard but not touched.
We are not cavemen anymore, and I believe you sir are a hypocrite.
by Porridgey February 27, 2007
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When a male or female is attempting to kiss a person in a sexual manner, and then clamps viciously onto their partner's lip to the point where they are practically Edward from Twilight, seemingly trying to take a piece of lip with them.
Example: "Yo, she was so drunk this bitch carnivored my lip and I was bleeding all over the place."
by eminole October 1, 2013
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