by Morgan T. April 25, 2006
One of good ways, precisely it's a drawing; to make somebody famous to look utterly ugly and idiot, even though they are so pretty or handsome in the real life.
Person1: Hey, what you're drawing?
Person2: Can't you see it? It's a caricature.
Person1: Hmmm, that's ugly. I cannot recognize who it is.
Person2: Well that means my caricature is good.
Person1: Who do you mean to draw tho?
Person2: Miley Cyrus.
Person1: Yea, she and this pic both look ugly.
Person2: :)
Person2: Can't you see it? It's a caricature.
Person1: Hmmm, that's ugly. I cannot recognize who it is.
Person2: Well that means my caricature is good.
Person1: Who do you mean to draw tho?
Person2: Miley Cyrus.
Person1: Yea, she and this pic both look ugly.
Person2: :)
by damsel.cosmic May 5, 2010
A term for a workplace colleague who generally behaves in an outwardly extreme manner, one who enjoys playing an exaggerated version of themselves.
Yeah, he becomes easily bored and when that happens, he’s off into his role as a total workplace caricature because everybody laughs and he gets all that attention!
by Dr Bunnygirl October 15, 2019
There are (physically) unattractive men with girlfriends and you're ASSUMING that there is a compensatory personality. There are fat men who fuck. There are gas station workers who fuck and are violent mentally ill criminals. A guy who actively gets confused with ME by the regulars at the gas station.
Hym "Is there a through-line? Is there a commonality between ALL OF THOSE TYPES OF PEOPLE that maybe is preferentially selected for? I mean, look at Preach. Fat. Looks like a character from the 1990s show 'Dinosaurs.' I mean, the correct response was 'Why should they not fuck me?' And Kevin Samuel's would say 'Small dick.' He might say 'fat' but we have already established that fatties fuck. And it isn't your made-up bullshit YouTube terms. They aren't fucking 'Toxic' (Even though I guarantee the Brittany Spears song is about a woman who is addicted to fat-cock even though she knows he is a piece of shit) Being a bad person is not disqualifying. Hilter had a wife. The Golden State Killer was a fat bald serial killer.
Hym "Is there a through-line? Is there a commonality between ALL OF THOSE TYPES OF PEOPLE that maybe is preferentially selected for? I mean, look at Preach. Fat. Looks like a character from the 1990s show 'Dinosaurs.' I mean, the correct response was 'Why should they not fuck me?' And Kevin Samuel's would say 'Small dick.' He might say 'fat' but we have already established that fatties fuck. And it isn't your made-up bullshit YouTube terms. They aren't fucking 'Toxic' (Even though I guarantee the Brittany Spears song is about a woman who is addicted to fat-cock even though she knows he is a piece of shit) Being a bad person is not disqualifying. Hilter had a wife. The Golden State Killer was a fat bald serial killer.
You are trying to keep what constitutes attractive nebulous because you think you are more than you actually are and that translate to you deserve sex more than other people but you don't actually do anything meaningful. If it IS fat cock, what then? You haven't done anything significant. And you won't. Ever. And I DID. And now you want to take that away from me because you want a retard (you) to be better than me. And you are not that. You can caricature me all you want I'm literally and archetypal figure and the AI works. It's over. There's no question about it now. I said I was better and told you exactly what I was going to do. You LIKELY didn't believe it. And now it's done. You don't what YOU to have to eat crow. So, YOU can eat it. OR someone's kid can eat it for you. But someone is eating the crow. If you were the 'good person' you think you are you would think that for the sake of the kids you would just shut the fuck up and do it. But you're not. You're shit. Fucking retarded. Trash. Asshole. Parasites. Human garbage. You're trying to use that stupid bitch you're fucking to elevate yourself above me and you are not shit."
by Hym Iam January 11, 2025
A character portrait influenced by the exaggeration of unique personality traits exhibited by an individual.
Simplified: A character based off of the stuff that makes a person different from everyone else. Example:A lying, cheating ex might influence a snake in the grass or weasel character.
Simplified: A character based off of the stuff that makes a person different from everyone else. Example:A lying, cheating ex might influence a snake in the grass or weasel character.
This Idiosyncratic Caricature of the president really shows the love he has for his hairpiece and winning.
by Eclectic Savant October 25, 2019