A word used to describe a person who doesn't fit in, or doesn't abide by social norms. The adjective is more positive than neutral, so idiosyncrasies in a person is a good thing.
by Eilonwy winter September 20, 2016
by DTJones August 28, 2018
by Dawie K June 20, 2006
1. A person who exhibits an unusually large amount of idiosyncrasies; someone who revels in their unique quirks.
2. An advocate or supporter of idiosyncrasy as an ideological platform.
2. An advocate or supporter of idiosyncrasy as an ideological platform.
by damntheplague June 10, 2009
An advanced form of hybrid warfare characterized as peculiar, unorthodox and/or unanticipated, and that targets the political will of an adversary.
Idiosyncratic warfare will define conflict in the 21st century; examples include the 9/11 and Mumbai attacks.
by Pierre Longcock November 10, 2010
1) The peculiar use of language, not necessarily to persuade or dissuade, but to be perceived as a new way of thinking without actually having to think much about it.
2) Witty use of $10 words.
2) Witty use of $10 words.
John: "It is said that we only ask for advice when we already know the answer. That we just ask for it so when it's followed and it fails, we can blame it on the one who gave it."
Stacy: "haha... no pun intended, eh?"
John: "hehe... nah... it's not so much a play on words, as much as it's a play on idiosyncratic rhetoric! lol"
Stacy: "haha... no pun intended, eh?"
John: "hehe... nah... it's not so much a play on words, as much as it's a play on idiosyncratic rhetoric! lol"
by catbird59 November 4, 2010
A character portrait influenced by the exaggeration of unique personality traits exhibited by an individual.
Simplified: A character based off of the stuff that makes a person different from everyone else. Example:A lying, cheating ex might influence a snake in the grass or weasel character.
Simplified: A character based off of the stuff that makes a person different from everyone else. Example:A lying, cheating ex might influence a snake in the grass or weasel character.
This Idiosyncratic Caricature of the president really shows the love he has for his hairpiece and winning.
by Eclectic Savant October 25, 2019