To possess ample enough diarrhea within one's body wherein it becomes humanly impossible to contain. After such an event, said "mud" escapes from the body usually attacking the underwear first, then outerwear...
Man, my girlfriend and I went to that all you can eat spicy taco night. I had mud butt so bad I had to throw my underwear away.
by Lungcheese October 14, 2008
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As opposed to explosive diarrhea which is normally cleared in one cataclysmic event, mud butt is characterised by soft stool that may take several attempts before being cleared from one's bowels. Mud butt is an uncomfortable feeling of needing to shit but knowing that there just isn't enough back pressure to deal with the backlog of soft fecal matter.
I had a terrible sleep last night, drank six coffees this morning, and now I have a bad case of mud butt.
by Mister Mud Butt September 10, 2019
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Eating WOW potato chips may cause mud butt.
by Bongwater April 16, 2004
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My friend Kris ate bad sushi last night and today he has mud butt.
by EVCESQ January 26, 2007
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the true "definition" of mudbutt,(all the rest are other peoples versions) is: the condition of the anal region where ones crevice between the ass cheeks becomes hot and saucy due to sweat, buildup of underwear residue, and poor wiping abilities. It is almost certain to happen to anyone on a real hot summer day if they:
1)wear dirty and/or heavy clothes
2)do not shower
3)have recently deficated
4)have participated in exercise
After walking through the city all day with a pair of jeans on, John developed a case of "mud-butt".
by Marc Micheline January 23, 2005
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(muhdh - buht) n. med. (usu. pre. by 'the') Mud Butt is a common affliction of the anus and the glutteal crevice, affecting mainly (but not limited to) "heavies". The condition usually occurs 30 to 45 minutes after defecation, especially if sufferer engages in physical activity within this time. Sweat and some remaining feces (though one's wiping habits may be immactulate) mix in the glutteal crevice, causing mild discomfort and, if not treated, a raw ass.
See how Rico is walking funny? He took a dum about 30 minutes ago. I bet he's got the mud butt.
by Pork King November 5, 2005
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Mud Butt: when shit basically drops out of your ass as soon as you hit the toilet. a muddy consistency, extremely wet shit and/or thick diahrea
a good example would be to eat 5 beef and bean burritos W/LOTS OF HOT SAUCE from taco bell or any generic texmex restuarant. Another example is the bag of fecies in the "mud butt" episode of The Chapelle Show
by stu lanely April 5, 2006
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