by mrlucretius April 1, 2012
aka a g string. or a thong that either a man or woman wears. refferd to as becasue of thin flossy like thing.
by Manasa May 11, 2006
n. A form of female underwear so narrow as to effectively remove deposits from within surrounding crevices. Similar to dental floss as used in the act of orthodontic hygiene.
by D'emon November 21, 2002
To take someone's pillow case, turn it inside out, then continue to floss your unclean ass with it. Then turn the case back to normal and return. Then the user must smell your shit unknowingly. Normally this action is done in revenge and doesn't have to be done with a pillow necessarily. T-shirts, blankets, towels, etc are also game. happy flossing
Me: Last night i was butt flossing my room mate, keaton's, pillow.
Jeremy: Why did you do that?
Me: He drank the last of the milk.
Jeremy: Understandable.
Jeremy: Why did you do that?
Me: He drank the last of the milk.
Jeremy: Understandable.
by the flosser November 20, 2009
also called a thong or type of string stuck between your buttcheeks to impress people with your "buns."
wife: Oh honey, check out my new Butt floss i just got at victorias secret!
husband: wow it really highlights your tight buns.
husband: wow it really highlights your tight buns.
by Carabella May January 28, 2009
by BigDumpling November 30, 2017