To be used for taking the worst of all dumps. The kind of discharge that is so toxic it is the most brutal metal dump of all time. Every time. So metal that the act of getting rid of such corroded metal waste could only be: to bust a rusty.
"What the hell did you do in my bathroom? It smells like you were burning trash and old batteries in here!"
"I should have warned you. I had to bust a rusty."

I stopped to use the bathroom at the gas station near my house because I had to bust a rusty.
by Skyren February 21, 2021
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John: you know who is a busted ass?
Sarah: who???
John: Tate Duncan is.
by ThomasGuy January 7, 2019
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"As she was even reported saying: "bust them down the curb" - a common expression in the midwest"
-Solar Sans
Unveiling sensitive information which can be met with unwanted or unpredictable consequences
Clarice: "Phineas and Frank Groofenstein, I'm going to bust you down the curb when mother comes home!"
by Cubow June 2, 2022
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When you’re taking a woman’s ass to pound town and ejaculate inside.

(Can be a male as well)
Girl: cum in my ass!
Guy: *moan* I can’t believe I just busted a Yoo-Hoo

Bust a Yoo-Hoo
by jacobtheviking March 14, 2018
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A skank or older woman trying to be young and her pussy has been so overused that it looks like a popped/busted football
Use: Cher's coochie looks like a busted football at her age. Jennifer Lopez is in the Spalding factory getting her busted football vagina re inflated.
by Pierce Dickman November 26, 2022
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When you cun so much you dick blows up.
oh fuck i just nut busted and now i have no dick
by asshat1111111111 December 7, 2018
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