A way of discribing someone/something that cracks bums or an insult to someones intelligence
-stop smacking that pigs arse you Bumcracker
-your so dumb 1+1 does not = 2 you bumcracker
by ToeSuc May 14, 2020
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An inch long crevice found on the derriere, that has escaped the modest covering from trousers.
"Cor, look at her bumcrack, the dirty slapper! You could park a car in that!"
by BumcrackTheDog November 2, 2004
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Completely pointless person, thing or action. Something that offers no value for its existence.
Your goatee is a bumcrack.

That bumcrack professor barely teaches us anything in class.
by Food fiends December 6, 2010
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A marginal research university that publishes man-made climate change denial research that is unsupported by mainstream institutions.

First used by Australian journalist Annabel Crabb on ABC's "Insiders" program in response to climate skeptic Andrew Bolt. Quoted in Hansard minutes of Australian Senate, Nov 2009.
That sounds like another factoid you picked from East Bumcrack University to support your climate change skeptic arguments
by Professor Toad November 19, 2009
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