
A common nickname for The dishonorable (John) Giovani Barilaro
by HalalFriedChicken September 14, 2020
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"Oi bruz, got two dollars?"
by Cauch August 3, 2005
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a word used only by the gods of the gods to describe people of similar status.
zyzz: "Fuck that shit bruz, you can either be a sick cunt or you can be a sad cunt, don't be a sad cunt brah"
by bigdaper November 19, 2021
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In Australia this can also be a word for stooge, Moron or incompetent pig.

Mostly used in a politically themed conversation. Popularised by the actions of John Giovanni Barilaro.
If you friend is about to do something that would make a moral compass hang it's self.

"Come on Tony, Don't be a Bruz"
by September 15, 2020
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Bruz in Australia basically just means bro. Like an American saying bruh, or a brit saying bruv. Some people use it as a nickname for the politician John Barilaro.
Person 1: Ay bruz how ya going?
Person 2: Not too bad mate, how 'bout you?
by TheCorrectDef November 11, 2022
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A term of endearment between two males used like “Man” or “Dude”. Combination of two slang words “Bro” (brother/sibling) and “Cuz” (cousin/relative); Bro+Cuz= “Bruz”.

Inspired by the Serbian slang word (pronoun) for brother/friend word “Burazer” or “Buraz” with an anglicized twist.
What's up Bruz?

You're looking good bruz, haven't seen you in a while.

That ride looks sick Bruz!
by slj2000 January 20, 2012
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Bruz, a word used that is used widely by the indigenous Australians, but this word is used alot by white men/boys with low intelligence and vocabulary.

Uses: greeting

Replacement world for "brother or cousin"
Male 1: oi, bruz!

Male 2: bruz! You got a durrie?
Male 1: na bruz got none aye bruz

Male 2: bruz! All good
by Aussie Lingo January 3, 2016
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