by David Sanchez April 2, 2006
by jgomes87 March 8, 2014
A combination of breakfast and dinner, much like 'brunch' (breakfast and lunch).
A classic example of Brinner is bacon and ice-cream.
A classic example of Brinner is bacon and ice-cream.
by AniMality April 16, 2008
My women made me brinner. It consisted of sausages, bacon, fried spinach, hash browns and fried mushrooms and tomato on toast.
If you treat a women right, you can have brinner once a week.
Do it better and you may score the pooper.
Do it better and you may score the pooper.
by Bob The Carrot January 1, 2010
Let's have Brinner this weekend !
by thesidmania September 7, 2015
Hunter wanted breakfast for dinner . We love brinner because we can eat our beeakfast for dinner. Ryder made brinner for lunch and dinner.
by Wolfs Hook May 7, 2015
by Tsnofs July 27, 2009