
(brin-ner) adj. breakfast eaten at the time in which you eat dinner.
for brinner, i had pancakes with a side of bacon.
by David Sanchez April 2, 2006
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Having a traditional breakfast meal at dinnertime.

I.e. Bacon, Eggs and Coffee.
"What you doin?"
"Havin' brinner."
"The hell is that?"
"Bacon, eggs and some OJ."
"It's 9pm?!"
by jgomes87 March 8, 2014
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A combination of breakfast and dinner, much like 'brunch' (breakfast and lunch).
A classic example of Brinner is bacon and ice-cream.
"Yesterday I had chicken and waffles for dinner."

"DAMN DUDE!! You got Brinner!"
by AniMality April 16, 2008
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My women made me brinner. It consisted of sausages, bacon, fried spinach, hash browns and fried mushrooms and tomato on toast.
If you treat a women right, you can have brinner once a week.

Do it better and you may score the pooper.
by Bob The Carrot January 1, 2010
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Dinner and Breakfast combined. It should be between 3am and 6am.
Let's have Brinner this weekend !
by thesidmania September 7, 2015
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Hunter wanted breakfast for dinner . We love brinner because we can eat our beeakfast for dinner. Ryder made brinner for lunch and dinner.
by Wolfs Hook May 7, 2015
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A combination of breakfast and dinner. Its uber tasty
Lets have burgers and pancakes for brinner!
by Tsnofs July 27, 2009
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